• Let us rebuild Ukraine together!


    Mission Statement

    Ukraine Renewed is a nonprofit organization that aims to support the recovery and development of Ukraine after years of conflict and instability. We believe that every Ukrainian deserves a chance to live in peace, dignity and prosperity. We work with local partners and communities to provide humanitarian aid, economic opportunities, social services and civic education. Our vision is to see a renewed Ukraine that is resilient, democratic and integrated with the global community.



    Robert E Henderson: Rob is one of the directors of Ukraine Renewed. He develops grant proposals and advises on NGO international programming. He is a seasoned education leader with a proven track record of organizational development, a manager of small and large teams, and a seasoned field organizer in 44 countries. Rob is an Africanist and an expert on social and political change in the developed and developing world. He served in the State Department, the International Republican Institute of the National Endowment for Democracy, UNDP, and public policy and international education institutions. Rob has written and consulted on the management and organization of election commissions, non-governmental organizations, and political parties in transitional democracies and made original contributions to civil society in Albania, Angola, Bolivia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Colombia, Grenada, Guatemala, Hungary, Nigeria, Panama, the Philippines, Romania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. He retired from a third career in grants development from Northern Virginia Community College to devote his time to his family and Ukrainian democracy.


  • We're a non-profit organization working to build a better future for Ukraine.

    Here's how all of us will get there:

    Working with local groups.

    Focusing on those in immediate need we work with our contacts on the ground to better the lives of Ukrainians.

    Focusing on those in immediate need.

    We assist those affected by the war first.

    Rebuilding infrastructure.

    Reconnecting the lives of Ukrainians by investing in their local communications infrastructure.

  • Help Ukraine RenewedTM achieve its mission!

    We believe in a better future for the next generation.

    Help us get there!


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